The Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands is one of the most important cards of the Minor Arcana.

Below you will learn everything about its meaning both in the upright and reversed position.

In addition to the general interpretation, the topics of love, health, career, finances and destiny are also explained in detail.

Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands Keywords

Upright: Steady, Foresight, Progress, Security
Reversed: Planned, Escape, Hasty, Fearful

The Two of Wands Tarot Card Description

The Two of Wands Tarot card shows a man looking into the distance from his castle and looking for new opportunities.

He wears a red cap, a corresponding cloak and warm boots, which allow him to persevere on his wall and look out into the world despite adverse weather conditions.

In his right hand, he has a ball expressing that he holds the world in his hands, so to speak, which gives an idea of the quantity and variety of his potential.

With his left hand, he leans on a staff giving him security. Although many possibilities unfold before him, the man does not venture headlong into the world but carefully considers his next steps.

On the wall, the man feels very safe, which is why he can observe and explore his environment in peace. He does not venture out into the world yet, because he first wants to get an overview of what lies ahead of him.

His far-sighted and planned actions prevent him from making hasty decisions and also enable him to plan far into the future.

A second staff is attached to the wall next to him and symbolizes additional security and steadfastness.

In front of the wall stretches a vast and fertile land, which reveals immense potential for shaping aand development, provided that one is willing to face the associated challenges in the form of the towering mountains.

Upright Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands represents the need for progress in your life. The world around us is in a constant state of change, which you can harness for yourself by recognizing the potentials associated with change and using them accordingly to achieve your goals.

Only watching how the life around you develops inevitably leads to a standstill in life.

Progress means becoming active and following your dreams and wishes with concrete plans and actions.

The more you are willing to let the flow of life guide you on your path, the more possibilities will arise to unfold your inner potentials and develop yourself further.

Another aspect of the Two of Wands is to plan long-term goals precisely and adapt them flexibly to the future. Projects that are still in the distant future require particularly meticulous and well-thought-out preparation to minimize as many obstacles as possible at an early stage.

It is important not to stick too rigidly to the first draft of your plan but to adapt it to new circumstances if necessary.

Far-sighted action also includes the ability to foresee many imponderables and consider them in your preparations. However, with all looking into the distance, you should not lose sight of your concrete goal and always remain focused on it.

The Two of Wands Tarot card encourages you to remain steadfast in your plans and defy any adversity.

You are currently in a very secure situation, both professionally and personally, from which you can calmly pursue your goals without taking too much risk.

Just like the man on the card of the Two of Wands, you have stable support in life, through friends and family, so that even severe setbacks cannot throw you off course.

Just make sure that you don’t become too hesitant in your need for security and throw to the wind any chances and opportunities that come your way.

Instead, trust in your inner strengths and competencies and you will be able to master any challenge with confidence.

Do you want to know what today holds for you? Draw your Daily Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Two of Wands Tarot Love Meaning


As a single, the Two of Wands card reveals to you that an important aspect of finding a partner involves your need for security. You are not only interested in financial security but rather in emotional support and stability in a relationship.

Therefore, when getting to know each other, pay attention to whether your counterpart manages to create a relaxed atmosphere in which you feel secure, instead of just bragging about his material possessions.

You will feel safe in a possible relationship if there is a common basis of trust from the beginning,

Furthermore, the Two of Wands stands for acting with foresight in your choice of partner and not rushing into a serious relationship based on your own feelings. Because especially on the first date, we often present ourselves quite differently than we really are.

Let your young love grow slowly. Do not give in to the first feelings of love unconditionally. That will give you and your partner time to see how your life together could work and save you from any nasty surprises.


In a partnership, the Two of Wands represents an upcoming significant change in your life that will allow you to move forward.

You can develop yourselves both in the private and professional areas, whereby your partnership profits from it on several levels.

In particular, joint undertakings that you have finally completed will promote your cohesion and trust in each other, enabling you to reach new and challenging goals with strengthened self-confidence.

The Two of Wands also encourages you to remain steadfast in the face of looming challenges. Your relationship provides you with a safe place to defy even the most adverse outside influences.

You can overcome any crisis together, no matter how great, if you continue to work together in harmony. Your love for each other is like a strong fortress in which you can always find refuge and recharge your batteries.

Do you want to know how your love life is developing? Draw your Love Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Two of Wands Health Meaning

The Two of Wands encourages you to stand firm during a prolonged illness. Don’t give up even if the fight for your health seems difficult. Lean on important pillars in your life, such as friends and family.

They will give you the strength you need to get through this difficult time. Just the thought that you have people around you who love and care
for you supports your recovery.

Furthermore, the Two of Wands stands to help you focus more on your progress in your recovery or health behavior. At the moment, you still have a long way to go to reach your goal.

However, you already made the needed steps in improving your health, so you are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

Do you want to know how your health situation is developing? Draw your Health Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Two of Wands Career Meaning

In professional terms, the Two of Wands stands for planning your career in advance. Think well about what training or qualifications you need for your dream job.

It is also important to consider what impact your actions and projects will have on your professional future. Everything you say and do now is your foundation for your future career.

In addition, the Two of Wands means that you should remain steadfast in the face of professional failure. A rejected application or a failed project is not the end of the world.

On the contrary, such setbacks help you for your next attempts. Through your collected positive and negative experiences, you will reach your professional goal with the appropriate perseverance.

Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? Draw your Career Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Two of Wands Finances/Money Meaning

In financial matters, the Two of Wands encourages you to invest some of your money for the long term. Many investments develop their true potential only over a longer time.

Plan in advance how much money you can set aside each month for investments in your future. After that, you should have a long-term strategy of how to increase your savings.

Another characteristic of the Two of Wands related to your finances is the need for financial security. Stable finances require that you have no debts or large loans to run.

Adress such obligations first before you start saving money. It is helpful to think of an amount in your account that you feel secure with and work towards it.

Do you want to know how your financial situation is developing? Draw your Finance/Money Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Two of Wands Destiny Meaning

The Two of Wands encourages you not to leave your destiny completely to chance. By making arrangements for tomorrow today, you can influence your fate in your favor.

Of course, chance can throw a spanner in the works. But if you are well prepared, nothing will throw you out of the saddle.

Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Two of Wands Personality

The Two of Wands represents a far-sighted trait. The person considers the short-term and the long-term consequences of his actions and has his eyes clearly focused on the future.

Likewise, the card reveals a high need for security. The person wants to protect himself against all eventualities so that his undertakings are successful.

Upright Two of Wands Tarot Past/Future


In the last weeks, you have gained a high degree of self-confidence. From this basis, you can finally face challenges from your past.

In the past years, you have remained steadfast in your views and kept them. Thus you have gained inner strength.


Take the time to plan your future in the medium and long term. Such foresight can save you a lot of trouble and awaken new potential in you.

You will soon make considerable progress towards an important goal in your life. Therefore stay on the ball.

Upright Two of Wands Tarot Card – Yes or No

The Two of Wands tends to be a maybe answer in a tarot reading. You should definitely make the upcoming decision with foresight. A maybe answer promises you some advantages and can help you to move forward on your way.

You can be sure that your intention will be fulfilled.

Reversed Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Reversed Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands Reversed reveals that you quickly get bogged down in achieving your goals by pushing too many projects at once. The necessary planning and preparations require a lot of energy and time so that you quickly reach your limits with several parallel ones.

That inevitably leads to the fact that you can hardly implement one of your goals properly because you lack the necessary energy and structuring in each case. Concentrate initially on only one concrete goal and plan this very meticulously.

Only after you have finished your respective project, you should dedicate yourself to the next one. That way, you will never run out of energy and always know exactly where you stand with your current project.

Another meaning of the Two of Wands Reversed is that you flee from upcoming challenges for fear of failure. Important decisions are coming up that will have far-reaching consequences for your life.

But you fear the responsibility involved and try to avoid it. Escape may give you a reprieve at first, but remember that any delay creates further problems and the original need for a decision or plan continues.

Be brave and face the challenges ahead by making a concrete plan to overcome them. Take a look into the future at what negative or even positive consequences you may face in making your final decision.

In a tarot session, the Two of Wands Reversed can also indicate that you are rushing into some of your plans. Maybe you have been waiting for years for a good opportunity to find your dream job or to buy the perfect house.

But before you make a hasty decision and blindly go for it, you should consider the long-term consequences of your actions.

Perhaps the new opportunity is associated with enormous costs, like a move or the sacrifice of your circle of friends, which clearly outweigh the benefits of your decision.

In addition, a closer look may reveal that the opportunity is not as attractive as your current status quo, which is safer for you at the moment.

Reversed Two of Wands Tarot Love Meaning


The Two of Wands Reversed Tarot card symbolizes a too hasty approach to finding a new partner. The long period of being alone tempts you to quickly escape back into a relationship just to escape the feeling of loneliness.

But without really knowing your partner, such hasty partnerships will be short-lived and you will soon find yourself alone again.

Use your single life to become clear about what you expect from a future relationship before you go into dating again.

Another meaning of the Two of Wands Reversed is a deep-seated fear of commitment in life. You fear losing too much of your freedom in a partnership. On the other hand, you are also afraid of staying alone forever.

You can only escape from this dilemma if you realize that all relationships in life require a certain degree of mutual adjustment, which results in completely new forms of your own freedom.


In a love tarot reading, the Two of Wands Reversed stands for not realized goals in a partnership due to a lack of structure and planning.

You have many common dreams together, but you can’t quite decide which one you want to realize first, which is why you let too many projects run in parallel.

As a result, you quickly get bogged down and hardly manage to realize a project at all. If you think about which life goals have priority, you can work out a structured procedure to make your wishes come true one after the other.

In addition, the Two of Wands Reversed Tarot card represents a great need for more freedom in your relationship.

You feel constricted in your partnership and take many opportunities to escape from your regular relationship routine. You are more comfortable at work or with friends at the moment than with your partner, which is completely okay.

However, you should not constantly flee from an urgent discussion with your partner, but find the courage to talk to him about your feelings and the resulting tendencies to flee so that together you can turn your relationship back into a safe place.

Reversed Two of Wands Health Meaning

The Two of Wands Reversed reveals that you are afraid of an impending diagnosis or treatment. You would rather barricade yourself at home and simply banish your symptoms/illness from your life.

But your illness will catch up with you at some point. Therefore, bravely face the upcoming medical examinations so that you have the best possible chance of recovery.

The Two of Wands Reversed warns you not to be too hasty in treating symptoms.

Instead of panicking and trying medications indiscriminately, you should rather get the cause of your illness clarified. A hasty treatment can lead to long-term damage to your health.

Reversed Two of Wands Career Meaning

The Two of Wands Reversed shows that you do not have a concrete plan for your professional future. That means that you are wasting your chances to climb the career ladder.

It is best to paint a picture of where you see yourself in five or ten years. Based on your visions, think about a precise strategy to put your plans into practice.

Another meaning of the Two of Wands Reversed for your job is that you fear for your work. Your job is a kind of foundation in your life, through which you can fulfill many wishes.

A threatening dismissal is therefore a dangerous situation. Do not simply surrender to your fate, but look around for other professional opportunities.

Reversed Two of Wands Finances/Money Meaning

The Two of Wands Reversed warns you of rash financial spending. Often it is worth waiting until a new product has aged a bit and become cheaper accordingly.

That will save you a lot of money in the long run and you can afford more. In addition, set aside a monthly budget for spontaneous purchases so that you don’t have to take on debt.

Another aspect of the Two of Wands Reversed is that you are afraid of an impending financial loss. The fear can lead you to take refuge in other things and ignore your financial problems.

Face your fear and tackle money problems. Otherwise, there is a risk that your monetary obligations will grow larger and more overwhelming over time.

Reversed Two of Wands Destiny Meaning

As a destiny card, the Two of Wands Reversed shows that you are running away from an important decision. You are afraid of the consequences that your choice could bring.

But the longer you postpone your decision, the greater the pressure to make a choice will be. Gather your courage and free yourself from the burden by simply walking the path your heart shows you.

Reversed Two of Wands Personality

The Two of Wands Reversed represents someone who tends to act rashly. The person does not look at the immediate consequences of his actions but only follows his first impulse.

Furthermore, a scheduled character type is described here. Such a person often has many projects at the same time but gets bogged down in their implementation.

Reversed Two of Wands Tarot Past/Future


You are still on the run from events from your past. They will not leave you alone until you face them.

In the past, you were sometimes very busy because you had to deal with many things at the same time. Learn from this lesson to set priorities in time.


You want to bring a goal, which already seems very close, quickly to an end. However, rash action can push your success into the far distance.

You are anxious about your future. You are not sure where your journey should go. Use your heart as a compass for your destiny.

Reversed Two of Wands Tarot Card – Yes or No

So far, you have rather fled from this matter for fear of making a wrong choice. Have the courage to say no.

This way, you will not make a big mistake and can plan your further steps much better.

The Wands Tarot Card Meanings