3 Card Strength 3

Maybe a close friend/relative is very sad or angry right now and doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. Here The Strength admonishes us being support and help for the person by simply listening and bearing his emotions.

In this way, the negative feelings will be tamed and calm down by themselves. Concerning ourselves, The Strength shows us that we should be compassionate and forgiving of our own emotional life. Each of us knows emotions such as fear, sadness, anger and doubt.

These original emotions are a fundamental part of our existence. Therefore, do not banish them from your lives but learn to deal with them.

Through an appreciative and compassionate attitude towards yourself, you can see these negative emotions as helpers and opportunities, enabling you to gain control over them and not let them dominate you.

For more detailed information on topics like love, career and more, check out The Strength.