The House is one of the most important Lenormand cards.
In addition to the general interpretation, you receive the meaning for your health, career, finances, fate, and love for singles and couples in detail.
Finally, you will find all combinations with the other Lenormand cards.
House Lenormand Card Keywords
Home, Tradition, Safety, Security, Privacy, Family
House Lenormand Card Meaning
In a Lenormand reading, the House card represents your own home. Here, we can recharge our batteries after a hard day and feel safe and secure.
Our home not only consists of furniture but also includes loved ones or pets waiting for us.
Furthermore, the House in Lenormand shows a great need for security. Your own four walls are like a protective wall against the stresses and strains of the outside world.
However, you should not turn your home into a prison and imprison yourself. Dare to go out into the world, knowing you always have a safe place to retreat.
The House Lenormand Card also symbolizes the importance of traditions in life. Preserving rituals, especially on festive days, creates a feeling of cohesion and deep inner satisfaction.
Traditions and values also give us an identity. That gives us access to various social or religious groups.
House Lenormand Card Love and Relationship
When looking for a partner, you need to share similar values and traditions with the other person.
That means you have a common basis that connects you as soon as you meet.
Despite all your differences, your shared values can build a bridge between you that unites you.
Your home is the key to your heart. You only invite someone here if you have already developed a strong bond with them.
Show the person you are dating how important your home is to you.
A clean and nicely furnished apartment gives your visitor the impression that they are welcome in your home.
You have a great need for security in your relationship. Your partner is like a rock for you to lean on.
He gives you a sense of security and catches you when you run out of strength.
In your home, you can both calm down and recharge your batteries.
Your home together is like a castle for you. You rule here and have your own rules and traditions.
Your shared rituals are what make your life together unique.
As a couple, you don’t have to justify to anyone how you live out your relationship within your own four walls.
House Lenormand Card Health
When it comes to health issues, you should definitely cure yourself at home if you fall ill.
At home you have everything you need to get back on your feet.
You alone can decide whether you want to receive visitors or prefer to be alone. Give your body and mind some rest and simply enjoy your time at home.
When treating minor illnesses, you should rely on tried and tested healing methods. The knowledge of our grandparents has helped many generations before us.
Whether it’s herbal tea, honey milk, or calf compresses, simply try out the old traditions in the art of healing. You will be amazed at the effect they still have today.
House Lenormand Card Job
In professional terms, the House Lenormand Card points to the possibility of working from home.
Perhaps your employer is offering new options for working from home. You could also consider self-employment that doesn’t require leaving your home.
Working within your own four walls can have a positive impact on your work performance.
You are looking for a job with more security for you. That means that fixed-term contracts are not an option for you now.
You shouldn’t accept any compromises or promises of a permanent contract at a later date. Because with the certainty of being permanently employed after the probationary period, your work performance will also improve.
House Lenormand Card Finances
In financial matters, the house encourages you to make conservative investments. The risk of a total loss should be as low as possible.
But your own actions should also be geared towards security. You should keep a budget book and not spend more than you actually earn.
Furthermore, the Lenormand card House symbolizes that you want to protect yourself more financially. To do this, it is important to think about your long-term goals.
For example, if you want to have a certain amount of money by the time you retire, you should draw up a savings plan. The earlier you make provisions, the fewer worries you will have in old age.
House Lenormand Card Person
Someone is visiting you at home or moving in with you. That could also be your family or partner.
House Lenormand Card Time
The House symbolizes a permanent and very stable period.
House Lenormand Card and its Combinations
House – Rider
A change of residence may be on the horizon for you. However, the chance of this happening is short-lived, so you should decide quickly.
In addition, a visit from family or friends you have been eagerly awaiting may be on the horizon.
If you have already made progress in your search for a partner and have met someone, you should invite him or her to your home.
In a partnership, the combination Rider-House symbolizes an important message regarding your domestic life together.
House – Clover
There is a period of harmony and happiness in your home environment. All the housemates get on well and pull together.
A family tradition brings a lot of joy to your home. That may relate to a birth or marriage in your immediate circle.
If you have started a first love affair, it’s time to invite the person home and have a good time together.
In a partnership, the Clover-House combination can indicate a happy event related to your home or the search for it.
House – Ship
You have to leave home for a longer period. Even though it may be difficult to say goodbye, you should move on to new shores.
Some traditions bring more curse than blessing, so you should distance yourself from them. You could create new rituals instead.
You should venture outside your four walls more often to get to know true love. Someone is waiting for you out there in the world.
As a couple, you are very focused on your home and spend most of your time there. A joint venture away from home will do you both good.
House – Tree
You may have some major repair work to do at home. Take the time to put everything back in proper working order.
You are bursting with vitality and could tear down trees. Nothing will throw you off track that quickly.
As a single, a hospital or convalescent clinic allows you to meet someone. Without the stress of everyday life, you can get to know each other in peace.
Your relationship is resilient and stable in many areas. That means you can face new challenges.
House – Clouds
Fears and worries plague you at home. You feel uncomfortable within your own four walls and would like to get out again.
There may also be insecurity or damage to the house. A rent or installment increase is not unlikely.
You are hiding at home instead of looking for happiness in love, which means you are missing out on many opportunities.
Although you and your partner live in the same house, you lack a sense of security at the moment. Everyone lives for themselves in the day.
House – Snake
Your living situation is becoming more complicated than expected. Something is constantly getting in the way, so you can’t feel at ease.
You may also feel a strong desire for more family or companionship at home.
You have the chance to invite someone over to your home. But a rival also has her eye on your crush.
You want to create a cozy home for yourselves. But adverse circumstances and misunderstandings complicate your plans.
House – Coffin
A loss of traditions and values is troubling you. Old rituals have to be laid to rest unfortunately.
An important part of your home is lost. That may indicate that someone is moving out or that you are losing your home.
You may have met someone, but on closer inspection, you hardly share the same attitudes. Ending the relationship therefore, has advantages for both sides.
In a partnership, a final separation from something created together is imminent.
House – Bouquet
A celebration is about to take place in your home. Being surrounded by loved ones means being truly at home.
Beautifying your home helps to give it a new shine. But you should preserve its original essence in the process.
A loved one brings flowers/gifts to your home. Such a gesture shows true affection and sincerity.
Decorate your home together as a couple and turn it into a castle. Your home will become an expression of your wonderful life together.
House – Scythe
A relationship with a family/household member ends. Contact becomes increasingly difficult, so everyone goes their way.
Damage to your house and relationships there is clearly visible. They need to be repaired immediately.
A crush has almost made themselves at home with you. But beware, an end to your love affair is imminent.
One partner in the relationship wants to end certain relationship patterns. You are facing a severe test of strength.
House – Whip
Feelings of guilt and hostility are disturbing domestic peace. Without a clear discussion, the tension will continue to increase.
Conflicts with the neighbors are causing you problems. Everyone insists on their rights, so a solution is hardly possible.
You feel very insecure on dates and are therefore, extremely tense. Use your home to regain your strength.
In a partnership, there are arguments about your home. Everyone should give in a little so that you can create a feel-good space for yourselves as a couple.
House – Birds
There is bad talk about you as a household in the neighborhood. Take a clear stand together against such gossip.
There is a lot of disorder and chaos in everyday life at home. Clear structures and procedures can help here.
Worrying about a household member puts your love affairs on the back burner. Clarify your concerns first before flirting again.
There are a few concrete agreements in a relationship, which leads to irritation and misunderstandings.
House – Child
You receive a visit from a child at your home. You will notice a return of curiosity and lightness.
There is a conflict between new ideas and old domestic thought patterns. However, such tension can lead to something fruitful.
When a child visits you, you get to know someone new. Perhaps more can come from this encounter.
Your need for security is at odds with new impulses in your partnership. Small escapes from everyday life have never done anyone any harm.
House – Fox
Things are not honest within your household. Information is being withheld or deliberately misrepresented.
A dubious neighbor is trying to disturb your domestic peace. Don’t let yourself be thrown off balance, and beware of pitfalls.
A love affair is disturbed by a household member close to you. The person in question is trying to influence you negatively.
In a relationship, one partner is not being honest and is pretending. That only brings discord into the relationship.
House – Bear
A parent comes to your home and checks up on you. Don’t let yourself be forced back into your role as a child. Your house, your rules!
You try to protect a household member from danger. Home is a safe place where no one needs to be afraid.
You want to introduce a potential partner to your parents. Take their concerns or sympathies seriously.
In a relationship, you are very exposed to attacks from outside. But at home, you can feel safe and protect each other.
House – Stars
You achieve family goals that benefit everyone. As a community, it is much easier to overcome even major challenges.
A long-planned dream project regarding your house finally becomes reality. A small dream manifests itself.
Your wish to welcome someone new into your family is almost within reach. But it will still take a little time.
As a couple, you have shared dreams, some of which you have already been able to turn into reality. You can continue to realize your wishes.
House – Stork
A profound change is about to take place in your home. That may involve a household member moving in or out.
Firmly held values/traditions are beginning to break down. That makes room for new ideas and concepts.
You may want to add a new acquaintance to your household. Weigh up the pros and cons of such a move carefully.
As a couple, you could be faced with a joint move or a change in living situation. Together, you will overcome this hurdle.
House – Dog
You can rely on support in your neighborhood. Everyone takes care of each other and helps where necessary.
You are passionate and dedicated to upholding domestic traditions. The latter ensures a strong bond at home.
Someone in the neighborhood makes eyes at you. You shouldn’t hesitate if you have similar feelings.
In a partnership, you are each there for the other with dedication. Together, you cultivate your rituals and thus strengthen your bond.
House – Tower
Family obligations keep you at home for a long time. Only when everything is settled you will have more room for maneuvering.
At the moment, you need some distance from the world. So retreat to your home for a while to clear your head again.
You don’t feel like dating at the moment. You’re enjoying your time alone and feel most comfortable at home right now.
One partner in your relationship stays at home more for various reasons. The relevant matters need to be clarified first.
House – Garden
A social celebration with many guests is taking place in your home. Let all visitors share in the joy and security of your home.
There is a conflict in your life between your privacy and your social needs.
On a date, you would prefer to stay at home. However, your crush wants to meet up away from home. Find a compromise.
In a relationship, it’s important not to lose contact with other friends. So organize a party for your inner circle at your place.
House – Mountain
Family challenges demand a lot of strength from you. Exercise patience and work towards a solution step by step.
A house purchase/repairs are unexpectedly delayed. Don’t let yourself get rattled. A suitable moment is sure to come.
You have wanted to invite your crush to your home for some time now. However, something has always come up.
Your living situation is putting your relationship to the test. Only if you stick together will you emerge stronger.
House – Way
Two spirits are at odds inside you. On the one hand, you don’t want to leave your familiar home. On the other hand, you feel the urge for new adventures.
Important family decisions are about to be made. Everyone involved should have their say.
In love, you feel you have to choose between your family and a new acquaintance. Listen to your heart and follow it.
As a couple, you have an important decision to make that affects both of you. A common path will lead you to your goal.
House – Mice
Certain family dynamics cause more suffering than anything else. You decide whether you submit to such vicious circles or leave them.
Firmly-held traditions slowly begin to vanish into thin air. But in doing so, they make room for something new.
A love affair triggers old family relationship patterns that you actually want to leave behind. So be on your guard and pay attention to your well-being.
Shared values in your relationship are beginning to dissolve. You must now look for new common ground.
House – Heart
You have a loving family around you that gives you strength and support. Guard them like a precious treasure.
You have an intimate relationship with your home. You associate your home with good and bad times that have left a deep mark on you.
Someone comes to your home, and you feel a deep connection. Love could soon come to you.
What you both love about your partnership is the safety and security you experience. Shared routines and support strengthen your bond.
House – Ring
There are deep connections between you and a family/household member. Such a special relationship enriches your everyday life immensely.
You feel a strong commitment to your traditions. Just make sure you don’t neglect other areas because of this.
Someone visits you at home, and you immediately feel a kindred spirit. That could be the beginning of a new love.
As a couple, you feel obliged to share all your joys and sorrows. That protects your relationship from negative external influences.
House – Book
A family secret is overshadowing your everyday life. Sometimes, it’s good to talk to someone about it and relieve yourself.
Further training or acquiring new knowledge takes place at home. Here, you have enough peace to devote yourself entirely to your studies.
Before you start looking for a partner, you should get new ideas at home first. A flirting guide or online forums can reveal new love secrets to you.
A family secret is putting a strain on your relationship. Face this challenge together.
House – Letter
You receive an important message concerning your house. Use the information to improve your living situation.
A lively discussion has broken out about existing family traditions. All arguments should be heard.
You receive an invitation to someone’s home. That gives you the chance to intensify your affection.
You receive a message that relates to your current living situation. As a couple, think about how you want to respond to this message.
House – Man
A male relative pays you a visit at home. You will certainly have a lot to talk about.
You meet a man with a strong sense of tradition. You can take a lot away from this meeting.
You meet a man who shares similar values with you. That gives you a common basis from which love can grow.
A man provides security in your relationship and protects you from danger. Be grateful to your protector.
House – Woman
A female relative pays you a visit at home. You certainly have a lot to tell each other.
You meet a woman with a strong sense of tradition. You can take a lot away from this meeting.
You meet a woman who shares similar values with you. That gives you a common basis from which love can grow.
A woman provides security in your relationship and protects you from danger. Be grateful to your protector.
House – Lily
That combination is about traditional values and morals in your life. The latter creates a basis that you can always rely on.
At the same time, the House-Lily combination points to a harmonious neighborhood where people support each other.
You experience a sexual adventure in a safe place. That can be in your own home or a brothel.
In your partnership, you live a conservative sex life. There is nothing wrong with this as long as both partners feel comfortable.
House – Sun
You experience a happy family around you. The shared joy increases the more people participate in it.
Overall, you are on the sunny side of life at the moment. Things are going well for you at home in particular, so your house is shining brightly.
Someone in your household/family is successfully helping you to meet someone. Your heart is beaming with joy.
As a couple, you are going through a happy phase together within your four walls. Your home is like a castle in which you are a place of joy.
House – Moon
Strong feelings about your family dominate everyday life. Deal with them and try to resolve them.
How you feel at home is an important indicator of your well-being. If you feel comfortable at home, your happiness will spread to other areas of your life.
You have deep emotions for someone. Invite them to your home. That will show you whether the affection you feel is mutual.
You are torn between your feelings for your partner and your family. You don’t want to hurt either side.
House – Key
You are revealing a secret about your family. Handle it with care, as it could bring some hidden conflicts back to the surface.
There is a conflict between old and new traditions/values at your home environment.
At the moment, you are closing yourself off to a new love. You do not feel secure enough to trust someone else.
There are conflicts in your relationship regarding your life together. Don’t close yourselves off to the arguments of the other partner.
House – Fish
The financial situation in your household is developing positively throughout. A nest egg should always be set aside to ensure that this remains the case in the future.
Family traditions will be more appreciated again and will enrich your everyday life.
Someone appreciates your values and morals, meaning you understand each other straight away. A feeling of security always arises when you see each other.
You’ve built up a considerable fortune in your relationship. Use your wealth to do something good for both of you.
House – Anchor
There is great stability within your family. It is like a rock in the surf and protects you even in heavy storms.
Your home is like a safe haven for you. Here, you can rest and gather new strength.
When looking for a partner, you sometimes get stuck on values that are too high. That hinders you in your search for true love.
Your partner is like an anchor in your life that you can hold on to. He is always there when you need him.
House – Cross
An incident causes deep consternation within your family. Help each other through this difficult time.
A spiritual house (church, temple) has great significance for you. The energies there are transferred to you as if by themselves.
You meet someone in a religious place. Whether visitor or believer, you feel a connection between you.
An unexpected event shakes the foundations of your relationship. Try to develop a feeling of security for each other again together.