The Seven of Swords is one of the most important cards of the Minor Arcana.
Below you will learn everything about its meaning both in the upright and reversed position.
In addition to the general interpretation, the topics of love, health, career, finances and destiny are also explained in detail.
The Seven of Swords Keywords
Upright: Escape, Strategy, Stealing, Deception
Reversed: Secret, Loyalty, Lonely, Responsibility
The Seven of Swords Tarot Card Description
The Seven of Swords Tarot card shows a man secretly trying to steal some swords. At first glance, the man seems completely harmless, like a traveling merchant or peasant.
But appearances are deceiving because his intentions are obviously insidious. He wears light boots that allow him to move silently.
In his hands, he holds five huge swords. These are valuable prey in times of war and can weaken the opponent sensitively.
He furtively looks back behind him to see if his heist has been noticed and is visibly self-satisfied with the success of his deed.
No one else is near him, so his escape may well succeed and he escapes unharmed. A slight grin plays around his lips as his well-prepared plan has succeeded.
In the background, we see several tents like in a large army camp. The danger of being caught in a robbery is accordingly high. Only the most daring and courageous thieves dare to steal something from such a camp.
A military camp is also an indication of an upcoming big battle, where every man and every sword can decide about victory and defeat.
Two swords are left at the entrance of the military camp, testifying to the great danger and devastating consequences that await any intruder in case he gets caught.
Upright Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
The Seven of Swords card shows that you are trying to deceive someone around you and gain an advantage from it. In certain situations, like job interviews, it can be helpful not to reveal your true motives immediately to reach your goal faster.
Keep in mind, however, that any attempt at deception carries the risk that your true intentions will be exposed and you will have to bear the consequences accordingly. In addition, you risk to shaken the basis of trust with the other person, which can lead to a rupture in the relationship.
By being honest, you may take a little longer to achieve your goals, but you will have a clear conscience and can maintain the relationships around you.
Another characteristic of the Seven of Swords is that you run away from the consequences of your actions. If you have made a mistake or done something wrong and take flight, you will have to live constantly with the fear of being called to account.
Such fear can become very overwhelming over a long period of time and is your constant companion in the form of a “guilty conscience” that constantly reminds you of your wrongdoing in everyday life.
By taking responsibility for your actions and facing the consequences of your deeds, you will always have a clear conscience and can enjoy your everyday life without worrying about being called to account.
The Seven of Swords signals that you should plan your goals strategically in advance. Good preparation will often save you a lot of time and effort later on in your endeavor, and you can plan from the start what obstacles you might face and how you will deal with them.
Just like the thief on the Tarot card, you need to consider many details in advance to make your plan a success, although you need some luck to make your venture a success.
Of course, you cannot control every eventuality from the beginning, so it is essential to keep your plan flexible and have the possibility to back out in case of an emergency.
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Upright Seven of Swords Tarot Love Meaning
In a love tarot reading, the Seven of Swords admonishes you not to let yourself be deceived or deceive someone when looking for a partner.
We often present ourselves in a way that we seem to be the most attractive to our counterpart when we first meet him and try to hide our weaknesses.
But already after a short time, the deception often flies up so that a more intense relationship can hardly develop.
If, on the other hand, we act honestly from the beginning and do not pretend, we have a greater chance that a longer-term partnership will develop from a date.
The Seven of Swords also encourages you as a single to plan your flirting and dating well in advance so that you create a good atmosphere for falling in love right from the start.
Whether it’s the right choice of clothing or the perfect place to meet, you can prepare and plan a lot of things in advance so that getting to know each other becomes an unforgettable event for both parties.
To what extent the spark of love jumps over is not plannable, but you increase your chance considerably through good preparation.
In a relationship, the Seven of Swords reveals that your partner betrayed you leading to a deep crisis of trust in your partnership.
Stealing or abusing trust is a severe test for any relationship because it shows that your partner deeply deceived you.
Of course, it is important to consider whether your partner deceived you only once or what the quality of that affair was.
Talk to your partner again directly about the hurtful situation and clarify that you are deeply disappointed by his deceitful behavior towards you.
The Seven of Swords also shows that you would like to run away from the problems in your partnership instead of dealing with them.
However, your problems will eventually catch up with you as a couple and may not be solvable, leading to a final breakup.
Don’t be afraid to discuss the difficulties in your relationship with your partner. In the worst case, everything will remain as it is at the moment. In the best case, you will work together as a couple to overcome your problems.
Do you want to know how your love life is developing? Draw your Love Tarot Card now for free!
Upright Seven of Swords Health Meaning
For your health, the Seven of Swords means that you should get a second opinion in case of illness. Your diagnosis so far does not cover all symptoms satisfactorily.
Even if a treatment is insufficiently effective, it
is worthwhile to take a closer look at your medical history.
In addition, the Seven of Swords reveals that you are avoiding an upcoming examination. Precisely preventive examinations can stir up a lot of fears in you.
But the earlier a disease is discovered, the better the chances of cure. Therefore, turn your fear into certainty so that you can start a promising treatment at an early stage.
Do you want to know how your health situation is developing? Draw your Health Tarot Card now for free!
Upright Seven of Swords Career Meaning
For your health, the Seven of Swords means that you should get a second opinion in case of illness. Your diagnosis so far does not cover all symptoms satisfactorily.
Even if a treatment is insufficiently effective, it
is worthwhile to take a closer look at your medical history.
In addition, the Seven of Swords reveals that you are avoiding an upcoming examination. Precisely preventive examinations can stir up a lot of fears in you.
But the earlier a disease is discovered, the better the chances of cure. Therefore, turn your fear into certainty so that you can start a promising treatment at an early stage.
Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? Draw your Career Tarot Card now for free!
Upright Seven of Swords Finances/Money Meaning
For your finances, the Seven of Swords means that someone is trying to deceive you. Especially when you sign a new contract or credit, you should be especially careful.
Often supposed “advisors” only earn high commissions for bad contracts. Look for trusted people with whom you can discuss your financial plans again before you put your signature under them.
Furthermore, the Seven of Swords indicate that something has been stolen from you illegally. It does not necessarily have to be pickpocketing.
Often it is also illegal fees, with which companies try to make cash. As soon as you notice such theft, you should act immediately and contact the police or a lawyer.
Do you want to know how your financial situation is developing? Draw your Finance/Money Tarot Card now for free!
Upright Seven of Swords Destiny Meaning
For your destiny, the Seven of Swords reveals that someone is trying to deceive you. Keep your eyes and ears open so that you will notice the deceiving notice in time.
Sometimes, however, such experiences are unavoidable. But as long as you learn from them, it will become more and more difficult to deprive you of your possessions.
Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free!
Upright Seven of Swords Personality
As a personality card, the Seven of Swords represents someone who is very strategic in all his actions. He always has an elaborate plan to achieve his goals and leaves nothing to chance.
Likewise, the card indicates a character who deceives others and prefers to keep his true intentions hidden.
Upright Seven of Swords Tarot Past/Future
You are running away from some obligations of your past. However, you will not be able to hide from them forever.
Looking back, some people have disappointed you very badly. Learn from these setbacks and find out why you fell for such people.
You have some difficult tasks ahead of you. You should therefore prepare a well-thought-out strategy that will enable you to reach your goal safely.
In the near future, someone may want to steal from you. That can mean not only material things but also intellectual property.
Upright Seven of Swords Tarot Card – Yes or No
The Seven of Swords tends to be a no-answer. Don’t make a big secret about your question just because you are afraid of the decision. Also, remember that sooner or later, you will have to take responsibility for your choice.
Saying no will make you feel much better and you will not have to bear the burden of further consequences.
Reversed Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
The Seven of Swords Reversed Tarot card that you are carrying around a secret that is very stressful for you. Not all secrets create negative emotions in us. Some are rather funny and have no negative impact on our daily lives should they be revealed.
Those secrets that create negative emotions in us will become a bigger and bigger burden in our lives and will have a lasting negative impact on our thoughts, self-worth and feelings.
At first, the fear of sharing your secret with someone else may be great, but you will feel relieved and freed from a great burden afterward. Forgive yourself and confide in someone close to you and share your burden, which will give you great relief.
The Seven of Swords Reversed encourages you to take responsibility for your actions and deeds.
Some missteps that you have committed maybe years ago but are still present, for example, in the form of a conflict and lead you almost daily before the eyes of what wrong you have committed.
It is never too late to take responsibility for your actions and, as a first step, admit your mistake and apologize to the people involved.
Afterward, make sure that you make an appropriate form of amends so you have the opportunity to build a new foundation of trust with your fellow human beings and further strengthen your responsible character.
The Seven of Swords Reversed symbolizes loyalty and trust to important people in your life. If someone close to you trusts you, it means that you have a deep relationship with each other.
Faithfulness shows itself especially in difficult times that you or the person close to you is going through, by helping each other and being there for each other, no matter what other people think about it.
Often we have only a few people around us with whom we could literally “steal horses”, but these relationships are usually very intense and worth more than a hundred loose acquaintances who, however, would turn away from us in a serious case.
Reversed Seven of Swords Tarot Love Meaning
As a single, the Seven of Swords Reversed shows you that you suffer from your loneliness but do not manage to get out of your skin. The fear of rejection prevents you from meeting new people and letting them into your life.
Instead, you are becoming more and more entrenched and hardly let anyone get close to you, but at the same time, the longing for a relationship is growing in you. Dare to go out and start making new acquaintances and cultivating friendships in small steps.
The more confident you become in dealing with people, the more opportunities open up to find a partner.
Another aspect of the Seven of Swords Reversed is acting responsibly in your dating.
Be honest with a new acquaintance from the beginning and express clearly if you could not develop feelings for your counterpart, instead of leaving him in the dark about your true feelings.
Acting responsibly also means being respectful and appreciative of a new acquaintance, even if he turns you down.
In a partnership, the Seven of Swords Reversed represents a high level of mutual loyalty that you live as a couple. Fidelity is especially noticeable in challenging phases of the relationship when one partner faces great difficulties and needs help and support.
Forget past disputes in such moments and focus on giving your partner support and strength so that together you can overcome the obstacles that lie ahead.
Fidelity is not a given but requires deep trust in each other and a vital and happy relationship that both partners must nurture regularly.
The Seven of Swords Reversed signals that secrets are being kept from the other partner in your relationship. In a partnership, you should keep things secret that concern only yourself and lie far back in your past.
However, as soon as a secret decisively affects your partner and has an impact on your life together, you should reveal yourself to your counterpart and explain exactly why you have kept the concerned information secret.
Only if you play with open cards, your partner will be able to forgive you and build up new trust in you.
Reversed Seven of Swords Health Meaning
The Seven of Swords Reversed stands for the secrecy of a disease. You have already received a diagnosis, but you do not dare to share it with people close to you.
Often there is a fear that people might turn away from you or that you don’t want to be a burden to anyone. But social support increases your chances of recovery considerably and helps you to get through difficult times.
Another aspect of the Seven of Swords Reversed is that you feel very lonely. Feelings of loneliness can quickly lead to depression or social anxiety. By reactivating old contacts and reaching out, you will quickly feel involved again.
Reversed Seven of Swords Career Meaning
The Seven of Swords Reversed stands for the secrecy of a disease. You have already received a diagnosis, but you do not dare to share it with people close to you.
Often there is a fear that people might turn away from you or that you don’t want to be a burden to anyone. But social support increases your chances of recovery considerably and helps you to get through difficult times.
Another aspect of the Seven of Swords Reversed is that you feel very lonely. Feelings of loneliness can quickly lead to depression or social anxiety. By reactivating old contacts and reaching out, you will quickly feel involved again.
Reversed Seven of Swords Finances/Money Meaning
The Seven of Swords Reversed represents not discussing your money matters with just anyone. You should keep a low profile about your finances so that no one tries to get rich off your assets.
One or two very close contacts with whom you can discuss your finances should usually be enough.
In addition, the Seven of Swords Reversed stands for a responsible approach to money. That means not to spend everything at once, but to put something aside for a rainy day.
Also, look at what you are spending money on and under what conditions a product was manufactured. That way, you have a positive influence on production conditions through your consumption behavior.
Reversed Seven of Swords Destiny Meaning
As a destiny card, the Seven of Swords Reversed reveals a big secret you carry around with you. Whether you should confide in someone depends strongly on your gut feeling.
If you have a good feeling, you can keep the information to yourself. If you have a bad feeling, you should confide in someone and share your burden.
Reversed Seven of Swords Personality
The Seven of Swords Reversed reveals a loyal character trait. The person will never abandon his fellow men, no matter how challenging the upcoming difficulties may be.
At the same time, the card symbolizes a person who can take responsibility for his actions. He is aware that at some point, he will have to answer for his own mistakes.
Reversed Seven of Swords Tarot Past/Future
A long-kept secret from days gone by is making its way back into your life. See if it is still necessary to protect it.
It is time for you to take responsibility for your past actions. Face your deeds so that you can finally come to terms with them.
Your loyalty to a close person close to you will soon be put to a hard test. If you pass it, your friendship will last for a long time.
You will soon go through a phase of loneliness. However, do not completely cut yourself off, but try to maintain one or two contacts.
Reversed Seven of Swords Tarot Card – Yes or No
This matter is much about deception. But don’t let it cloud your senses, and prepare an appropriate strategy.
A yes answer will help you to see more clearly and, at the same time, reveal a favorable opportunity for you to move forward.
The Swords Tarot Card Meanings
- Ace of Swords Meaning
- Two of Swords Meaning
- Three of Swords Meaning
- Four of Swords Meaning
- Five of Swords Meaning
- Six of Swords Meaning
- Seven of Swords Meaning READING NOW
- Eight of Swords Meaning
- Nine of Swords Meaning
- Ten of Swords Meaning
- Page of Swords Meaning
- Knight of Swords Meaning
- Queen of Swords Meaning
- King of Swords Meaning