01 Love Judgment


In a love Tarot reading, the Judgment card reveals that an important decision regarding your single life is coming up.

Such decisions usually have a long-term consequence, for example, whether you want to move in with a new love already, or whether you want to reveal your love feelings to a close person.

Weigh your decision carefully and try to listen to your inner voice and trust it. Keep in mind that there are often no clear right or wrong choices.

Use every decision to learn from it. The Judgment further indicates that you should follow your inner call in love.

This means that you must first look within yourself to perceive your own inner voice. Not always this makes itself felt through words, but more often through feelings.

Especially if you are unsure whether a new acquaintance can develop into something more, listen to the call of your inner voice. It will show you the way.


In a relationship, the Judgment Tarot card reveals a release from a serious crisis. In a partnership, there are always difficult challenges that put a lot of stress and strain on the relationship, sometimes even over a very long period of time.

Through the Judgment card, it becomes clear that such a crisis will soon come to an end and a solution is in sight. However, this redemption you have both been hoping for can only take place if both of you are ready to accept the solution offered without reservation, even if it demands a lot from you.

Furthermore, the Judgment card encourages you to make important decisions now for your future life together, such as starting a family or moving.

You both must decide on a mutual agreement. Because it will change both of your lives significantly. However, it is precisely such far-reaching agreements and jointly made decisions that will be a very stable and sustainable foundation for your partnership.

For more detailed information on topics like health, career and more, check out The Judgment.